Girl Guides take on Warwick Court for Women In Construction Week

14 September 2022
On the final day of Women in Construction week, Stanhope Project Director, Laura Collins took a group of Rainbows and Brownies to Warwick Court for a fun-filled day learning all about careers in construction. Warwick Court is led by a team of senior female professionals spanning design, construction, development management and sustainability. A perfect project to show girls the career possibilities open to them in property and construction. The day started off with talks from Laura and the team about their jobs then the girls got stuck into a Lego construction challenge. After lunch there was a trip to the top of St Paul’s cathedral to see what buildings they could pick out from the London skyline followed by a treasure hunt round Paternoster Square.

A huge thank you to our partners at Savills, Mace, Alinea, Real PM, DP9, Watermans, Montagu Evans, Fletcher Priest and the on-site team for creating an amazing day and inspiring the next generation of women in construction!
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