Stanhope launches drive to help London’s most vulnerable
- The pandemic left young people all over the UK in freefall with four times higher unemployment levels than other demographics. For many young people, the future was already uncertain. Now, having missed out on vital education, training and job opportunities, millions are at risk of being left behind and 55% of young people say the crisis has made them fearful for the future.
- Due to Covid-19, screening programmes were paused, and GP referrals have reduced by 75%. With a huge backlog of patients waiting on diagnostic tests, the impact could be huge. Around 900,000 people of working age living with cancer in the UK and 47% had to give up work or change their roles as a result of their diagnosis. Yet, working plays a vital role in recovery by giving employees a sense of normality and purpose, rebuilding their self-esteem and providing a focus outside of cancer.
- One of the most significant barriers to a sustainable recovery from homelessness is securing stable employment. Without intensive employment support it is anticipated that the number of people becoming homeless in London and regionally will continue to rise, and the pandemic has accelerated these statistics. In a recent survey of 1,949 people in St Mungo’s services, 62% said they wanted a job, but only 8% were employed.
“For over 3 decades, Stanhope has developed and created places and spaces in London to allow communities to work, live, grow and thrive. The pandemic has had an absolutely devastating effect on these communities, especially when it comes to employment and we need to support them as much as we can, particularly those who are most at risk.
“We are delighted to be partnering with The Stanhope Foundation. Cancer diagnosis and treatment comes with many complex mental and physical barriers which can make navigating a return to work overwhelming and complicated. Add to this the devastating impact of COVID-19, shielding, furlough and loss of employment and this journey becomes even more difficult. Thanks to The Stanhope Foundation we will be able to help people with cancer overcome these barriers and support them to make the return to work as smooth as we possibly can.”
“Young people are bearing the worst of the unemployment crisis and many are losing hope for their futures. Now, more than ever, they need support to upskill and find work, so that they can avoid long-term unemployment and play an active role in the recovery of our economy. Our partnership with the Stanhope Foundation means we will be able to provide more young Londoners with the opportunities they so desperately need to improve their prospects and move into work.”
“St Mungo’s is delighted to work with Stanhope and the Stanhope Foundation to help provide meaningful employment opportunities for our clients. Our partnership will be focused on supporting St Mungo’s Recovery College – a comprehensive programme which helps our clients with personal development, building fundamental life skills, training and securing employment - which has been established with the generous support of a number of partners. We know that sustainable employment is an important step toward recovering from homelessness and have seen the positive life-changing effects it can have. This collaboration with the Stanhope Foundation will help to support this vitally important work.”
- Keltbray
- Morrisroe Group
- Hare
- Lonsdale
- T Clarke
- Savills
- Make (support)
- AHMM (support)
- Knight Frank (support)
- Gardner and co (support)
- Macfarlanes (support)
- CRE (support)
- dn&co (support)
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